REUSSA at Texas State University

Faculty Mentors (in alphabetical order)

Dr. Anne H.H. Ngu

Anne H.H. Ngu is currently a Full Professor with the Department of Computer Science at Texas State University. From 1992-2000, she worked as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia. She had held research scientist positions with Telcordia Technologies; Microelectonics and Computer Technology (MCC); University of California, Berkeley; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia and the Tilburg University, The Netherlands. She was a summer faculty scholar at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory from 2003-2006. Dr Ngu has published over 100 technical papers in journals and refereed conferences in computer science. Her main research interests are in large-scale service and information discovery and integration, service platforms for Internet of Things, business and scientific workflows, databases and Software Engineering. Her professional service features key leadership roles in three international conferences. She was bestowed with a special Outstanding Contribution Award for one of them. She was a winner of the 2013 NCWIT Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award.

Dr. Rodion Podorozhny

Rodion Podorozhny received his Ph.D. in Software Engineering from the University of Texas, Austin in 2004 and M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 1997. He joined Texas State University - San Marcos in 2004. Rodion Podorozhny's research interests are in the area of software engineering, in particular in software process and formal methods. In addition, he has done some work in analysis of multi-agent systems and application of the multi-agent technology to software process enactment.

Dr. Yan Yan

Dr. Yan Yan is currently a Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Texas State University. He was a research fellow at the University of Michigan (2016-2017) with Prof. Jason J. Corso and at the University of Trento (2014-2016) with Prof. Nicu Sebe. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Trento (2014) and M.S. at the Georgia Institute of Technology (2010) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2010). He was a visiting scholar with Dr. Alexander G. Hauptmann (2013) at the Carnegie Mellon University and a visiting research fellow with Dr. Stefan Winkler (2015) at the Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC), UIUC, Singapore. He has published 60+ research papers in the fields of computer vision, machine learning and multimedia. He received IBM Best Student Paper Award in ICPR 2014 and Best Paper Award in ACM Multimedia 2015. He has been served as PC members for several major conferences and reviewers for referred journals in computer vision and multimedia. He also served as a guest editor in TPAMI, CVIU and TOMM.

Dr. Guowei Yang

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Texas State University. My research addresses various elements of how to enhance software reliability and dependability, including software verification and testing, software maintenance and evolution, program analysis, and formal methods.

Previously, I received my Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin in 2013, advised by Sarfraz Khurshid. I received my M.S. in Computer Science from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, co-advised by Matthew B. Dwyer and Gregg Rothermel. Before coming to the U.S., I received my M.E. in Computer Software and Theory from Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, and my B.E. in Software Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology.

Dr. Ziliang Zong

Dr. Ziliang Zong is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at Texas State University. He received his PhD degree in computer science from Auburn University in 2008. Dr. Zong received the Distinguished Ph.D. Dissertation Award from Auburn University and the Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities from Texas State University. His research interests include energy-efficient computing and systems, big data analytics, and mobile computing. Dr. Zong has received numerous grants from National Science Foundation, Texas Education Agency, and industry. He is the associate editor of Journal of Sustainable Computing (SUSCOM) and has served on the program committee of SC, ICPP, CCGrid, IGSC, NAS, and IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
